Sometimes I get so frustrated and/or disheartened and/or annoyed by some of the news stories of the day that I can’t bring myself to write about them. Here are a few recent reports that made my blood pressure hit the roof. I am avoiding delving into them at length out of concern for my physical and mental health.
- Lawmakers Becoming Lobbyists at Increasing Rate-- Because what we need more than anything is more sleazy corporate influence in DC.
There is no there there. This is nothing but a partisan politics, embarrassing conspiracy theories, and a witch hunt. Now stop wasting our time.
- Seven Times Senate Republicans Demanded The Budget Process They Are Now Obstructing-- Blockitude R Us. Did I mention the Congressional Budget Office report? The federal budget deficit is declining; $231 billion less than 2012. Did I mention the GOP is bent on destroying Obama's legacy?
- Fox News Invites Convicted Cover-Up Expert Oliver North To Comment On Alleged Benghazi Cover-Up-- Well, come on, what did we expect? Fox has about as much credibility as Ollie does. Perfect match.
- Heritage Study Author: ‘Hispanic Immigrants Will Have Low-IQ Children’-- ... said Low IQ Heritage Study Author.
- North Carolina May Force Teens To Get Notarized Parental Consent Before Getting STD Tests-- Same goes for birth control prescriptions, pregnancy care, mental health counseling, and substance abuse treatment. This should work out well for kids in abusive homes.
- Mark Sanford will not have to appear in court for trespassing charges alleged by his ex-wife-- Of course not. Why would he chance being embarrassed again and/or removed from office? That's what settlements are for!
- Former Aide Claims Romney Campaign Policy Director Couldn’t Find Finland On Map-- And Romney couldn't find competency and compassion in his campaign.
Need a palate cleanser? Me too! Majority In Virginia Supports Stricter Gun Laws. So there.
See what I mean? So who’s up for a couple of Margs or a trough of wine?
The post What I will not write about today appeared first on The Political Carnival.