Teen idles
By GottaLaff As some of you know, I am what they call an "artist in residence" at a performing arts high school. I don't have a credential, so I teach classes along with a credentialed teacher. I've...
View ArticleWhite supremacist opening nightclub for youths
By GottaLaffNothing says Family Values like a club for teens run by an anti-Semitic racist Nazi: A man who once proclaimed himself the national director of Aryan Nations is planning to open a nightclub...
View ArticleMore seniors than teens on the job, data show
How depressing is it that seniors and teens are going after the same damn jobs? Retirement-age workers outnumber teenagers in the work force for the first time since 1948 -- when Harry Truman was in...
View ArticleVideo- Beck discovers most teens in his audience haven't been taught...
Oh, this is too rich. Make sure you note who the one teen says HAS taught him the Constitution is "just a piece of paper". The post Video- Beck discovers most teens in his audience haven't been taught...
View ArticleVIDEO- TX councilman Joel Burns: "They said I was a faggot, and that I should...
Sobbing. This is so painful/uplifting. PLEASE watch it all the way through, beginning to end. joelburns Fort Worth City Councilman Joel Burns reaches out to GLBT teens with a personal story and a...
View ArticleObama Administration Overrules FDA Approval of Plan B One-Step
NARAL's statement is here. I got this one via email (bolding mine): Obama Administration Overrules FDA Approval of Plan B One-Step FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE December 7, 2011 Obama Administration Overrules...
View ArticleVIDEO: Gun sting. Illegal gun sales run rampant on the Internet.
While Darrell Issa is doing his GOPutz best trying to get Attorney General Holder fired for the Fast and Furious gun-trafficking operation, we have a rather enormous firearms problem right here, right...
View ArticleVIDEO- GOP Congressman: 16-year-olds can make own immigration decisions. His...
O'Brien: "A sixteen year old is in a position to have a conversation with their parents about coming across the border, you think?" Farenthold: "Believe me, my sixteen year old daughter has given me...
View ArticleBreaking- Jerry Sandusky Will Burn In Hell
The whole thing is demeaning, disgusting and full of old time perversion that it makes me want to destroy everything around it, but at least those kids will get some closure. Fuck Sandusky, bet it...
View Article"MSNBC's move to veer to the left" puts it ahead of CNN, "Meet the Press" has...
The L.A. Times Calendar section has an article out today about Patricia Fili-Krushel, the new chairman of the NBCUniversal News Group, which includes NBC News, MSNBC and CNBC. The piece concentrated...
View ArticleLive Streaming Video- President Obama Tours the White House Science Fair...
JOIN THE LIVE CHAT VISIT WHITEHOUSE.GOV The post Live Streaming Video- President Obama Tours the White House Science Fair 1:35p EST appeared first on The Political Carnival.
View ArticleLive Streaming Video- President Obama Speaks at the 2013 White House Science...
JOIN THE LIVE CHAT VISIT WHITEHOUSE.GOV The post Live Streaming Video- President Obama Speaks at the 2013 White House Science Fair 2:25p EST appeared first on The Political Carnival.
View ArticleWhat I will not write about today
Sometimes I get so frustrated and/or disheartened and/or annoyed by some of the news stories of the day that I can’t bring myself to write about them. Here are a few recent reports that made my blood...
View Article"Is there a word for a promiscuous boy that compares with 'slut'?""Alas, that...
Another Los Angeles Times letters to the editor, because our voices matter: Re "A birth control double standard," Opinion, May 20 Bravo to Meg Waite Clayton's articulate Op-Ed regarding society's...
View ArticleVideo Overnight Thread- Phonetic description of annoying sounds teenagers make
Via. The post Video Overnight Thread- Phonetic description of annoying sounds teenagers make appeared first on The Political Carnival.
View ArticleWhy Are Red States Red? Internet Porn Has Something To Do With It
Okay, let's be honest. Who hasn't looked at porn at one time or another on the Internet? Who hasn't been sent some "X" rated picture or video clip from a friend, a co-worker or a hijacked AOL account?...
View ArticleHigh School Girl Sentenced to Jail For Consensual Sex With Another High...
So Florida justice is at it once again. Seems they can't be satisfied with an occasional natural hurricane, they have to brew up judicial storms of their own. Some of the recent Sunshine State cases...
View ArticleCyber-Bullying Claims 12 Y.O. The Parents Of Teen Suspects May Be Charged
Let's think about this for a beat. A 12 year old girl, Rebecca Sedwick is cyber-bullied by two other girls, about her age, one 12, the other 14. She reports it to her mother, Tricia Norton, who then...
View ArticleLosing Your Head Over Facebook
Facebook. It's quite a phenomena. It's really the "face" of the internet. There's hardly a person, a product or a show that isn't somehow linked to the huge social network. And now the pool of users...
View ArticleGay Defenders Are Wrong This Time
Vigilantism is wrong. It doesn't matter what the cause or stand they are acting upon, the commission of any activity driven by revenge or hate cannot be tolerated. Usually we hear stories of...
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